Eyeshield 21 (アイシールド21 Aishīrudo nijūichi) adalah judul manga dan anime karya Riichiro Inagaki dan Yuusuke Murata yang bercerita tentang seorang sekelompok murid SMA yang mengikuti kegiatan klub American football di sekolahnya. Eyeshield 21 pertama kali diterbitkan di Jepang oleh Shueisha dalam majalah Shonen Jump. Di Indonesia, manga ini diterbitkan oleh Elex Media Komputindo dan Real Comics.
Eyeshield 21 terbitan Elex Media Komputindo sekarang baru mencapai volume 34. Manga Eyeshield 21 telah tamat pada chapter 333.
Versi animenya diproduksi oleh NAS dan dianimasikan oleh Studio Gallop, tayang perdana di seluruh Jepang pada TV Tokyo dari 6 April 2005 dan berakhir pada 1 Maret 2008 dengan jumlah 145 episode. Anime disponsori oleh NFL Japan. Anime ini juga ditayangkan di Singapura(berlangganan), Taiwan dan Indonesia. Di Indonesia, Eyeshield 21 sendiri ditayangkan pertama kali oleh stasiun televisi swasta Global TV
Awal dari Eyeshield 21 menceritakan seputar seorang remaja laki-laki lemah bernama Sena Kobayakawa yang memasuki sekolah pilihannya, SMA Deimon, dimana juga merupakan sekolah teman masa kecilnya, Mamori Anezaki yang diterima tahun lalu. Kemampuan fisik Sena yang berada diatas rata-rata hanyalah berlari, dikarenakan saat kecil ia sering disuruh dan dikerjai teman sebayanya yang nakal untuk dibelikan ini itu dalam waktu singkat. Bakatnya itu ditemukan oleh quarterback tim American football sekolah itu, Yoichi Hiruma. Ia menipu dan memaksa Sena yang polos itu hingga akhirnya bergabung dengan tim-nya yang saat itu hanya terdiri dari 2 orang, Deimon Devil Bats, dan ditempatkan pada posisi running back.
Untuk melindungi identitasnya agar tidak direkrut klub lain karena kecepatannya, Sena juga berperan sebagai sekretaris klub, dan mengikuti pertandingan sambil mengenakan helm dengan pelindung mata berwarna hijau untuk menyembunyikan identitasnya, digunakanlah nama 'Eyeshield 21'.
Tim Devil Bats lalu mengikuti pertandingan turnamen musim semi, dengan harapan menang dengan 'senjata rahasia' baru mereka. Namun pada pertandingan kedua, mereka kalah telak melawan tim Oujou White Knights, sebuah tim kuat yang fokus pada pertahanan.
Setelah pertandingan itu, Mamori yang overprotektif pada Sena dan belum mengetahui Sena adalah Eyeshield 21, akhirnya mengajukan diri menjadi manajer klub itu, untuk melindungi Sena dari ulah Hiruma sang kapten yang memang semena-mena dan licik, namun jenius.
Selang beberapa waktu, tibalah pertandingan yang tak kalah pentingnya yaitu turnamen musim gugur, dimana tim-tim yang bertanding berkesempatan bermain dalam 'Christmas Bowl', liga kejuaraan American Football seluruh SMA di Jepang. Hiruma, Kurita dan Sena perlahan-lahan membangun tim yang sesungguhnya dengan merekrut Tarou Raimon, seorang pemain baseball yang hanya ahli menangkap bola, dan 3 bersaudara Ha-Ha. Karakter lainnya perlahan-lahan bergabung dan para anggota Devil Bats sekarang juga seimbang dengan tim lawan.
- Sena Kobayakawa (小早川瀬那, Kobayakawa Sena) Pengisi Suara : Miyu Irino
Sena adalah seorang murid SMA Deimon yang lemah dan penakut. Sejak SD, Sena sudah dijadikan budak oleh teman-temannya. Sena juga memiliki teman masa kecil bernama Mamori Anezaki (姉崎まもり, Anezaki Mamori) yang selalu melindunginya jika diganggu oleh anak lain. Walaupun begitu, Sena memiliki kaki yang amat cepat karena sering berlari untuk memenuhi perintah anak-anak nakal itu, sehingga membuat kaki & dirinya terbiasa berlari kesana-kemari. Lalu suatu saat, ketika Sena berhasil lulus tes masuk, ia dijebak Hiruma untuk mendapatkan alamat rumahnya dengan meminjamkan handphone Hiruma, juga memasukan banyak brosur klub American Football di rumahnya, hingga membuat sena stress. Yang membuat dia manjadi tertarik ingin masuk klub karena dia ingin menjadi syumu (manajer klub) tersebut karena kasihan dengan Kurita yang anggotanya hanya 2 orang. Tapi, lama-kelamaan dia akhirnya bersemangat menjadi seorang pemain juga. Ini dikarenakan dia telah berjanji pada Shin Seijuro. Saat SD, Sena sudah biasa dijadikan budak oleh teman-temannya. Dia selalu diselamatkan oleh Kaitani Riku, teman sekelasnya. Riku mempunyai kaki yang cepat dan dialah yang mengajarkan Sena cara berlari agar Sena tidak diganggu lagi oleh teman-temannya. Namun, Sena malah menggunakan kemampuan larinya supaya lebih cepat saat disuruh-suruh dan membuat Riku marah. Sayangnya Riku hanya 2 minggu sekelas dengan Sena karena orang tuanya pindah kerja. Meskipun begitu, Sena berjanji pada Riku untuk selalu melatih kakinya agar menjadi cepat. Tapi ia akan bertemu Sena lagi dalam posisi sebagai runnerback Seibu Wild Gunmans. Ia melatih kecepatan kakinya dengan teknik lari yang diajarkan Riku, selama 6 tahun, sehingga kecepatan kemampuan larinya makin cepat dengan kecepatan cahaya 4,2 detik.
- Devil Bat Ghost: teknik crossover step dengan mengerem tanpa mengurangi kecepatan. Sena mempelajari teknik ini dalam 2000 km Death March di Amerika dengan menendang batu. Efek teknik ini menimbulkan bayangan seperti Sena menjadi 2 yang dapat membingungkan blocker lawan, dan membuatnya salah memperhitungkan timing yang tepat untuk tackle. Belakangan, teknik ini berkembang sebagai dasar dari teknik Sena lainnya.
- Devil Light Hurricane: disebut juga Devil Bat Tornado. Teknik ini dibuat pada saat pertandingan melawan Kyoshin Poseidon, dengan menggabungkan Devil Bat Ghost dan gerakan spin. Menimbulkan efek putaran yang membuat teknik tackle dengan 2 tangan (seperti Anchor Grapple milik Kakei) tidak berguna.
- Devil Bat Dive: Sena melompat ke atas barisan line yang bertabrakan dengan kecepatan penuh. Hiruma hanya memperbolehkan Sena melakukan teknik ini 1 atau 2 kali pada pertandingan karena teknik ini sangat berbahaya.
- Devil Stungun : menggunakan lengannya, Sena menangkis Trident Tackle Shin dan sukses, walaupun sakitnya bukan main dan Shin melancarkan Trident Tackle lagi dari lengan kirinya. Sena mendapat inspirasi dari pertarungan melawan Agon Kongou. Teknik ini mirip dengan teknik Panther a.k.a. Patrick Spencer dari NASA Aliens, gerakan ini mengorbankan keselamatan bola untuk lolos dari lawan. Teknik ini sedikit menggunakan gerakan jabbing dari tinju. Teknik ini berhasil dipatahkan oleh Marco dari Hakushuu Dinosaurs, yang menggunakan teknik Screw Bite.
- Devil Ghost Dive : Sena menggunakan Devil Bat Ghost dan tiba-tiba melompat ke atas lawan. Teknik ini dipakai ketika melawan Shin Seijuurou, dan digabungkan dengan Devil Stungun ketika di udara untuk menangkis Trident Tackle Shin. Shin dikalahkan oleh Sena dengan teknik ini. Teknik ini dipakai pada saat play terakhir melawan Ojo White Knights pada turnamen Kanto dan saat melawan Yamato dari Teikoku Alexander di Christmas Bowl. Tetapi Yamato bisa mematahkan teknik ini.
- Vertical Devil Light Hurricane : Sena memperkecil jarak dengan lawan, lalu mendorong sambil berputar dengan kecepatan cahaya. Dengan menggunakan tubuh lawan sebagai tumpuan, Sena berputar sambil menghindari segala serangan lawan. Dengan jarak yang sangat sempit, membuat lawan dengan teknik defensive attack yang dekat (seperti Screw Bite Marco) tidak bisa merebut bola.
- Multiple Devil Bat Ghost : Di chapter 287, setelah Yamato menunjukkan Ghost Steps "yang asli" , Sena memutuskan untuk menyempurnakan Devil Bat Ghost-nya dengan crossover step yang liar dan cut step sederhana, dapat membuat 4 "bayangan".
- Devil 4th Dimension : Teknik lari terkuat Sena, diciptakan pada saat Christmas Bowl melawan Teikoku Alexanders. Ketika berlari dengan kecepatan cahayanya, Sena melakukan backstep yang sangat cepat, tanpa mengubah kecepatannya atau keseimbangannya : melakukan ini ketika lawan sedang menackle menyebabkan tackle lawan meleset dengan sempurna. Hingga Sena lepas dari penjagaan serta bisa bergerak dengan leluasa. Pada lawan, teknik ini berefek seperti waktu berjalan mundur(dimensi keempat). Kelemahan teknik ini adalah sesudah Sena melakukan backstep, ada periode ketika Sena mengubah arah larinya dalam sekejap, sehingga ia berhenti. Pemain bertahan bisa menghentikan langkahnya ketika melihat backstep dan melihat ke arah lari Sena. Yamato memutuskan untuk mematahkan backstep dengan menguncinya dengan teknik Caesar Charge. Mnggunakan seluruh kekuatannya untuk menambah kecepatannya hingga kecepatan cahaya yang melebihi Sena dalam waktu sekejap, yang melebihi kecepatan Sena. Sena akhirnya menutup kelemahan itu dengan menggabungkan lari Devil 4th Dimension dengan Devil Bat Ghost. Membingungkan lawan pada saat sesudah Sena melakukan backstep. Yamato pun ditaklukkan. Sena melakukan Devil Bat Ghost itu dengan lari mundur yang pada akhirnya dinamakan Reverse Devil Bat Ghost. Setelah itu, Yamato menyatakan tidak ada kekuatan atau bakat yang dapat mematahkan teknik ini, itu adalah "kecepatan asli".
- Rekor lari 40 yard: 4.2 detik (berkembang menjadi 4.1 detik)ketika melawan OJOU WHITE KNIGHT
- Bench Press: 10 kg, 40 kg di vol. 5, dan 45 kg in di. 10
- Posisi: Running Back
- Nomor Pemain: 21
- Kelas 1 SMA
- Yōichi Hiruma (蛭魔 妖一, Hiruma Yōichi) Pengisi Suara : Atsushi Tamura
Hiruma adalah kapten tim Amefuto ini. Dia memiliki telinga lancip dan gigi-gigi tajam yang menyerupai setan. Dia juga selalu membawa senjata api kemana-mana. Dia adalah seorang yang licik dan kejam. Dia juga selalu memanfaatkan kelemahan orang lain demi mencapai keinginannya (walau keinginannya kebanyakan baik dan hanya berpusat pada kegiatan Amefuto saja). Hiruma memiliki buku saku yang bernama "Buku Ancaman". Buku tersebut berisi rahasia-rahasia pribadi milik banyak orang. Dia menggunakannya untuk mengancam orang yang tidak mau menurutinya. Dulu tim Devil Bats ini hanya berisikan 3 orang saja, yaitu: Hiruma, Kurita, dan Musashi. Ketika bertanding, mereka selalu meminta bantuan dari klub lain. Lalu, pada akhirnya, Musashi keluar dari Deimon. Sehingga Devil Bats hanya berisi 2 orang saja. Maka dari itu, Hiruma dan Kurita selalu berusaha mendapatkan pemain, bagaimanapun caranya. Hiruma sangat jenius dan juga merupakan murid terpintar di SMA Deimon, bersama Anezaki Mamori dan Yukimitsu Manabu, meski itu masih agak misteri. Hiruma dan Agon dari tim Shinryuji Naga adalah musuh bebuyutan sejak dahulu. Hiruma tampak sangat membenci Agon karena Agon telah membuat Kurita tidak diterima di Shinryuji. Pada awalnya, Hiruma, Musashi dan Kurita ingin masuk SMA Shinryuji yang klub American Football-nya sangat kuat. Musashi dan Hiruma berhasil lulus tes masuk SMA Shinryuji tetapi Kurita yang paling bodoh di antara mereka terpaksa tidak mengikuti tes, dan mengikuti tes dalam bidang olahraga. Seharusnya Kurita bisa lulus, tetapi Agon malah memilih mengikuti tes bidang olahraga karena dia tidak suka orang seperti Kurita, sehingga Kurita gagal. Hiruma adalah tokoh yang paling misterius di cerita ini karena sama sekali tidak ada keterangan apapun kecuali namanya. Dia juga kasar dan selalu memanggil nama orang dengan tambahan "sialan". Misal, untuk Sena dan Monta adalah cebol sialan, Mamori adalah manajer sialan dan Kurita adalah babi/gendut bodoh. Meski tentang keluarga Hiruma sama sekali tidak diketahui, namun sepertinya hubungan Hiruma dan ayahnya (yang belakangan diketahui bernama Yuuya Hiruma) tidak baik. Sebab ketika ayah Hiruma meneleponnya (Hiruma tidak tahu, HP-nya dalam keadaan voice mail. Yang mendengar adalah Mamori) dia berkata, "Apa ini Youichi? Ayah menonton pertandinganmu dan ayah mengucapkan selamat karena kamu berhasil menang... Ayah tahu kamu masih membenci Ayah dan bahkan kamu tidak mau mengangkat telepon dariku...,". Hiruma merupakan Quarterback jenius dengan permainan trik dan strategi yang luar biasa seperti Killer Hornet, yaitu mengumpulkan seluruh anggota tim dengan formasi seperti huddle dan lari berpencar bersamaan sehingga tidak ada yang tahu siapa yang membawa bola. Strategi ini dipakai dalam pertandingan melawan Ojo dan Teikoku. Pass andalannya Devil Laser Bullet yang super cepat dan hanya bisa ditangkap oleh catcher-catcher kelas satu.
- Rekor lari 40 yard: 5.1 detik (vol. 1 & vol. 23)
- Bench Press: 75 kg
- Posisi: Quarterback
- Nomor Pemain : 1
- Kelas 2 SMA
- Universitas: Saikyoudai.
- Ryōkan Kurita 栗田 良寛 Kurita Ryōkan Pengisi Suara : Kouichi Nagano
Kurita adalah teman Hiruma. Dia adalah pemain terbesar dan terberat di Deimon Devil Bats. Ayah Kurita adalah seorang pengawas aliran Budha Morenshu. Karena menurutnya biksu masa depan harus dibesarkan menjadi kuat, ia memberi Kurita makanan yang berlebihan. Kurita memang teman dari Hiruma, tetapi dia orang yang sangat baik. Saking baiknya, di versi anime dia tidak pernah menggunakan kekuatan aslinya sampai Onihei kesal padanya dan mengajarkan bahwa sebagai seorang Line dia tidak boleh merasa kasihan pada lawannya. Kurita orangnya agak pesimistis dan penakut bila akan bertanding. Namun, bila sudah di lapangan dia akan berubah sebagai lineman yang hebat. Kurita merupakan lineman terbaik di Turnamen Musim Gugur, sedangkan Sena sebagai running back terbaik. Belakangan, Kurita dan Gaou menjadi lineman terkuat di Jepang
- Rekor lari 40 yard: 6.5 detik
- Bench Press: 160 kg, saat kekuatan tersembunyinya bangkit waktu melawan Gaou, melebihi 210 kg
- Posisi: Center / Defensive Tackle
- Nomor Pemain: 77
- Kelas 2 SMA
- Mamori Anezaki姉崎まもり Anezaki Mamori Pengisi Suara : Aya Hirano
Anezaki Mamori adalah teman sejak kecil Sena. Dia selalu melindungi Sena dari kenakalan teman-temannya. Paling sering bertengkar dengan Hiruma, manajer Devil Bats ini sangat suka ngemil kue sus sehingga sering diejek Hiruma soal makannya yang banyak (terbatas cuma untuk kue sus, dia mendapat peringkat pertama tokoh yang makan paling banyak di Eyeshield 21). Mamori merupakan blasteran Amerika-Jepang, karena itu rambutnya cokelat dan matanya biru karena neneknya adalah orang Amerika.
Awalnya Mamori tidak tahu kalau Sena adalah Eyeshield 21, maka dia selalu melarang Sena melakukan latihan ala spartan dengan anggota lainnya. Mamori sangat over protective terhadap Sena, karena dianggapnya Sena itu lemah, tapi setelah tahu bahwa Sena adalah Eyeshield 21, akhirnya ia menyesal dan tidak terlalu mengekang Sena untuk melakukan apa yang diinginkannya. Mamori adalah anggota komite disiplin yang sangat pandai dan cantik sehingga dia populer kalangan anak laki-laki di SMA Deimon.Kata favorit Mamori adalah "Sena wo ijime naide!!" (Jangan ganggu Sena!). Mamori ini hampir sempurna kalau dia tidak parah dalam seni rupa hingga gambarnya sejelek anak TK. Setelah mengetahui Sena adalah Eyeshield 21, Mamori memotong rambutnya dan berkata ia hanya ingin mengubah sudut pandangnya selama ini.bahkan monta,satake,dan
Universitas: Saikyoudai.
Senjata Rahasia :
- Kode Rahasia : Mamori mempelajari kode rahasia untuk mengirim taktik dari bangku pemain, biasanya dia menggunakan ini bersama Hiruma supaya lawannya tidak mengerti taktik apa yang diberikan olehnya.
Statistik :
- Bench Press : 20 kg
- Posisi : Manager tim
- Kelas : 2 SMA
Suzuna adalah kapten tim cheerleader Deimon Devil Bats. Orangnya ceria, berisik, dan sangat manis. Meskipun dia sering diejek oleh yang lainnya karena dia kalah seksi dengan cheerleader Deimon lainnya, namun Suzuna ini sangat lincah dan pandai memainkan rollerblade sehingga dia selalu memakainya ke mana-mana. Di anime dia diperkenalkan pada episode 22-23 yaitu pada awal episode. Namun di komik dia baru diperkenalkan pada volume 10 saat Sena tersesat di Amerika. Suzuna sangat benci dipanggil dengan marganya, Taki, sebab dia tidak mau disamakan dengan kakaknya. Karena itulah dia selalu melarang Sena memanggilnya Taki-san (-san merupakan akhiran tanda hormat) meski awalnya Sena selalu malu-malu memanggilnya Suzuna, akhirnya Sena terbiasa juga. Suzuna mempunyai kebiasaan memberikan nama panggilan aneh kepada teman-temannya, seperti pada Monta (=MonMon), Mamori (=Mamo-nee), Kurita (=Kuri-tan), Doburoku (=Buro-chan), Butaberos (=Buro-chan), dan Hiruma (=Yo-nii) sehingga Monta dan Sena selalu khawatir pada keselamatan nyawa Suzuna. Suzuna tidak pernah pacaran, namun dia sangat tertarik pada masalah cinta orang lain, terutama pada Mamori.Biasanya bila mendengar hal-hal seperti itu, antena di rambut Suzuna akan naik. Suzuna sering bertengkar dengan Monta karena Monta sangat sebal dengan sifat Suzuna yang blak-blakan. Suzuna punya kakak yang bodoh bernama Taki Natsuhiko yang merupakan tight end di Deimon. Salah satu anggota Team Deimon yang idiotnya mencapai 99 persen, kecuali 1 persen di dalam bidang Amefuto. Namun dalam keseharian, Suzuna akrab dengan Sena. Dan tampaknya Suzuna menyukai Sena.
- Raimon Tarou Pengisi Suara : Kappei Yamaguchi
Raimon, yang biasa dipanggil Monta adalah pemain no. 80 di Deimon Devil Bats dengan posisi Wide Receiver. Awalnya Monta adalah anggota klub baseball tapi karena keahliannya hanya berpusat pada catching, dia cuma mendapat posisi di tim tiga. Setelah dibujuk Sena, dan tipuan dari Hiruma karena ia tahu Monta menyukai Mamori (Hiruma menyebabkan ia mengira bahwa Eyeshield 21 adalah orang jahat yang cuma mamanfaatkan Mamori, dan berkata pada Monta agar masuk klub untuk menyelamatkan Mamori) akhirnya Monta bersedia bergabung. Monta sangat kesal dipanggil 'Monta' tapi setelah diberitahu Hiruma bahwa nama itu diambil dari nama Joe Montana/ MontN Magic, pemain American Football yang legendaris, Monta akhirnya tidak keberatan. Bahkan marah bila ada yangmemanggilnya dengan sebutan Raimon/Monyet. Monta sangat menyukai Mamori, dan selalu berusaha menarik perhatiannya walaupun selalu berakhir tragis. Bahkan tak jarang dia selalu mendapat luka hanya gara-gara mengejar/mendapat perhatian Mamori. Dia pernah salah mengira Suzuna dan Sena sedang berciuman di komik bonus peringatan 100th Down, padahal saat itu Suzuna sedang memaksa Mamori memakai seragam Eyeshield 21. Kemampuan andalannya adalah Devil Backfire, teknik menangkap bola dari belakang kepala dengan tidak melihatnya sama sekali. Monta menemukan teknik ini dalam pertandingan melawan Ojo di semifinal turnamen Kanto. Dia menjadi salah satu receiver terbaik Jepang bersama Sakuraba, Tetsuma, Taka, dan Ikkyu. Merupakan penggemar berat dari Honjou Taka (Catcer Baseball yang sangat hebat) sama seperti Sakuraba Haruto.
- Rekor Lari 40 yard: 5.0 detik (gara-gara salah sangka pada hari Valentine bahwa yang membuat coklat itu Suzuna, namun kecewa karena dia menolak cokelat itu karena dia tahu yang membuat cokelat itu Mamori & Mamori menganggap Monta tidak suka cokelat...."Jadi dia kesal!!!")
- Bench Press: 40 kg
- Posisi: Wide Receiver
- Nomor Pemain: 80
- Kelas 1 SMA
Musashi yang wajahnya seperti orang tua ini adalah kicker hebat yang dijuluk 60 Yard-Magnum meski cuma akal-akalan Hiruma. Musashi terpaksa keluar dari tim karena harus menjalankan usaha kontraktor keluarga karena ayahnya sakit parah. Saat itu juga Musashi juga keluar dari tim dan SMA Deimon. Namun pada pertandingan melawan Bando Spiders, akhirnya ia kembali masuk Deimon Devil Bats. Sebenarnya Musashi masih ingin bermain American Football dengan Hiruma dan Kurita namun ia terpaksa berhenti. Ia kembali setelah dipukul ayahnya agar Musashi jujur pada diri sendiri. Walau mempunyai nama asli Gen, ia tetap dipanggil Musashi, karena kanji Takekura bisa dibaca Musashi. Pada akhirnya dalam detik-detik terakhir melawan Teikoku dalam Christmas Bowl, Musashi membuktikan julukannya dengan sukses memasukkan bola dengan kick dari jarak 60 yard.
- Rekor Lari 40 yard: 5.6 seconds
- Bench Press: 90 kg
- Posisi: Kicker
- Nomor Pemain: 11
- Kelas 2 SMA
Baru muncul di volume 10, kakak Suzuna yang sangat bodoh tetapi pintar dalam segala hal yang berhubungan dengan American football ini sangat gemar mengucapkan "AHA-HA~" dan menjuluki dirinya sebagai jenius, namun selalu kalah pada reciver hebat. Sena bertemu dengannya saat ujian masuk pemain San Antonio Armadillos di Amerika. Natsuhiko tidak lulus, justru Sena yang berhasil, tapi ia pergi sebelum namanya diumumkan. Natsuhiko orang yang tidak mau kalah, dan sangat dibenci oleh tiga bersaudara Ha Ha serta Monta karena sering sok akrab pada Mamori. Natsuhiko sering tersesat karena terlalu pede kalau naik bis, ia pasti tersasar entah ke Nagano atau daerah lain yang jauh. Tetapi ia memiliki kehebatan yang tidak dimiliki pemain lainnya, yaitu kelenturan tubuh.
- Rekor Lari 40 yard: 5.1 sec
- Bench Press: 90 kg
- Posisi: Tight-End
- Nomor Pemain: 37
- Kelas 2 SMA
- teknik andalan : prince gentle block (cuma blok biasa)
Yukimitsu adalah murid yang sangat pintar dan rajin. Dia juga giat berlatih di klub karena ia yang paling lambat (no.2 setelah Kurita) di klub. Sebenarnya dia gagal pada tes masuk klub. Tapi, karena Hiruma terkesan padanya yang sudah bersusah payah setengah mati, akhirnya ia "diluluskan" oleh Hiruma. Dia sudah kelas dua, namun tetap ikut klub karena ia tidak ingin menyia-nyiakan masa mudanya hanya dengan belajar. Sejak kecil, Yukimitsu selalu dipaksa ibunya untuk belajar dan tidak boleh ikut klub. Setelah melihat penampilan Eyeshield 21, kagum dan bertekad untuk ikut klub. Ia menyesal baru mengikuti klub sekarang, hingga ia tidak masuk tim reguler saat Turnamen Musim Gugur. Ia baru masuk pada "Turnamen Kanto" saat melawan Shinryuji Naga dan berhasil mencetak satu touch down melawan Agon dengan posisi receiver. Walaupun fisiknya tidak menunjang, tetapi kemampuannya membaca permainan dan posisi lawan (hasil dari mempelajari rekaman pertandingan sebelumnya) juga semangatnya yang luar biasa, membuat semua yang meremehkannya (Agon, Ikkyu) harus membayar mahal.
- Rekor Lari 40 yard: 5.6 detik
- Bench Press: Tidak diketahui
- Posisi: Wide Receiver
- Nomor Pemain: 16
- Kelas 2 SMA
3 Bersaudara Ha Ha terdiri dari: Juumonji Kazuki, Kuroki Koji, dan Toganou Shouzou. Kenapa mereka disebut 3 Bersaudara Ha Ha? Sebab kalau ada apa-apa mereka pasti bilang: Toganou: 'HA?'; Juumonji: 'HAA?'; Kuroki: 'HAAAH?!'. Mereka djuluki demikian oleh Hiruma meski mereka tidak ada hubungan saudara. Mereka sudah berteman sejak SMP. Dari dulu mereka adalah berandalan namun pada akhirnya mereka merasa diakui setelah bermain American Football di Devil Bats dan mulai bertambah serius. Posisi mereka bertiga adalah lineman. Awalnya mereka selalu menjahili Sena, tetapi setelah diancam Hiruma dan mengetahui Sena adalah Eyeshield 21, mereka menjadi baik pada Sena. Juumonji adalah yang paling normal diantara mereka bertiga, dan dijuluki "kakak" oleh dua sahabatnya itu. Toganou sangat suka membaca manga serta membawanya kemana-mana, sedangkan Kuroki sangat pandai main video games.
1.Rekor Lari 40 yard:
#Juumonji: 5.5 detik
#Kuroki: 5.1 detik
#Togano: 5.5 detik
2.Posisi: Lineman
#Juumonji: Offensive Tackle / Defensive End
#Kuroki: [[Offensive Tackle / Linebacker]]
#Togano:[[ Offensive Guard / Defensive End]]
3.Bench press: 65 kg, 85 kg, 70 kg 4.Nomor Pemain:
#Juumonji: 51
#Kuroki: 52
#Togano: 53
5.Kelas 1 SMA 6.teknik andalan : furyoo sappo (penakluk berandalan,saat melawan line sphink)
Cowok kuat pendek dengan hidung merah ini merupakan murid Kurita. Ayahnya seorang pekerja pemindahan rumah. Walaupun kuat, Komusubi sering merasa minder dengan tubuhnya yang pendek. Apalagi ketika ia akan menghadapi Mizumachi dari Kyoshin Poseidon. Namun, ia berhasil membuktikan kalau perbedaan tinggi badan bukan masalah. Kata-katanya sering tidak dimengerti karena ia selalu menggunakan bahasa powerful yang hanya bisa di mengerti orang-orang kuat seperti Kurita, Guru Olahraga di SMU Deimon, Ayahnya, Mizumachi, Cerberus (anjing Hiruma yang ganasnya minta ampuuuunn) dan lineman kuat lainnya.
- lari 40 yard: 5.2 detik
- bench press : 110 kg
- posisi : Offensive Guard / Defensive Tackle
- nomor pemain : 55
- teknik andalan : rip (teknik yang memanfaatkan tubuhnya yang pendek,di temukan sendiri saat melawan mizumachi dari poseidon)
Ojo White Knight
Murid kelas dua SMU Ojou ini adalah rival dari sena. Shin adalah salah satu tokoh terkuat dalam cerita ini, karena sifatnya yang selalu bekerja keras dan kemampuan alaminya sebagai jenius american football. Kemampuan andalannya adalah Spear Tackle, tusukan 1 lengan yang sangat kuat yang dapat menghentikan semua lawan, dan banyak pemain yang menolak membawa bola lagi karena tackle yang sangat kuat tersebut. Dan yang mengalahkan shin dan spear tackle-nya adalah Sena. Lalu Shin menyatakan bahwa Sena adalah lawan yang tangguh. Hal ini dinyatakan shin pada wawancara sebelum turnamen kanto dimulai. Sebelum pertandingan Deimon vs Ojo di semifinal turnamen kanto, Shin meminta Riku mengajarkannya metode Rodeo Drive. Meskipun pada awalnya Riku menolak, akhirnya ia mengajarkan teknik itu karena ingin melihat Shin dengan kemampuan yang sudah sempurna. Lalu Shin menggabungkan teknik Rodeo Drive dan Spear Tackle-nya sendiri. Dan menjadi teknik baru andalan Shin, Trident Tackle.
1.Rekor Lari 40 yard: 4.4 detik, belakangan menjadi 4.2 detik Menyamai kecepatan Sena
2.Bench Press: 140 kg
3.Posisi: Linebacker, Runningback(dalam formasi ballista)
4.Nomor Pemain: 40
5.Kelas 2 SMA
Ia adalah idola dengan ciri khas dan berwajah ganteng, ia bekerja di Jaripro Productions sebagai model. Waktu kecil, Sakuraba sering menonton olahraga setiap waktu dan bermimpi menjadi atlet profesional. Ketika memasuki SMA, ia bergabung dengan Ojo White Knights sebagai Wide Receiver setelah menerima banyak perhatian dari para senior terhadap tinggi badannya. Pelatih Ojo, Shoji Gunpei lebih tertarik kepada Shin. Shin kemudian melampaui Sakuraba, dan menjadi ace tim. Sakuraba sedikit iri dengan kemampuan dan kesuksesan Shin, dan kecewa karena dirinya tidak bisa seperti itu padahal ia mempunyai bakat yaitu tinggi badan. Dia menjadi kurang tertarik pada olahraga. Suatu hari, Miracle Ito dari Jaripro Productions memberitahunya bahwa ia bisa menjadi model yang sukses. Merasa ingin disorot oleh spotlight sekali saja, ia memutuskan untuk menjadi model. Sekarang, dia menyadari bahwa orang-orang salah mengerti;karena kepopulerannya, orang-orang mengira Sakuraba adalah ace tim dan melupakan ace yang sesungguhnya, yaitu Shin. Sebenarnya, kemampuan Sakuraba dalam american football melebihi rata-rata, terutama kemampuan menangkap.
Sakuraba selalu ditekan oleh perasaan melakukan hal yang luar biasa dan benar-benar menjadi ace tim yang hanya menurut asumsi orang-orang. Kecelakaan yang terjadi pada saat pertandingan turnamen musim semi Deimon vs Ojo merubah semua itu: Sena, sebagai Eyeshield 21 dengan tidak sengaja menabrak Sakuraba ketika sedang berlari. Alasan Sakuraba tertabrak, walaupun dia tidak bermain pada saat itu, tetapi dia masuk ke lapangan untuk mengambil stiker jatuh yang diberikan JariPro untuk promosi. Di rumah sakit,setelah bertemu Sena, Monta, dan fans beratnya-Torakichi, yang sangat mengagumi overhead catch Sakuraba pada pertandingan melawan Deimon tahun lalu, akhirnya Sakuraba memutuskan untuk tidak berpikir pesimis dan berusaha mengejar Shin. Sebelum turnamen musim gugur, Sakuraba sempat keluar dari JariPro dan fokus ke american football setelah ia mendengar Takami berbicara bahwa Sakuraba adalah partner yang sangat ditunggunya selama ini, seseorang yang mengerti dan bisa memanfaatkan tinggi badannya. Sebelum upacara pembukaan turnamen musim gugur, Sakuraba memotong cepak rambutnya dan menumbuhkan kumis dan jenggot untuk menunjukkan bahwa ia benar2 serius dalam american football sekarang. Ia selalu membawa wristband dengan nama Torakichi dan teman-temannya tertulis disitu, dan berjanji membawanya ke Christmas Bowl.
Kemampuannya sebagai Wide Receiver berkembang pesat dan sekarang Sakuraba benar-benar bisa dibilang ace Ojo bersama Shin. Dia juga disebutkan Shoji sebagai pemain dengan "kekuatan hati terkuat" di Ojo, dan Sakuraba termasuk dalam big five jepang dalam pertarugan antar receiver (bersama Monta, Ikkyu, Tetsuma dan Taka).Sekarang, Sakuraba bergabung dengan Shin dalam defense untuk menghentikan Monta dari Devil Bats.
1.Rekor Lari 40 yard: 4.86 detik
2.Bench Press: 70 kg
3.Tinggi: 186 cm
4.Posisi: Wide Receiver
5.Nomor Pemain: 18
6.Kelas 2 SMA
- Everest Pass : Merupakan teknik kombinasi Sakuraba dan Takami. Tnggi Sakuraba menguntungkan dalam posisi receiver, dan Takami juga tinggi. Takami melempar bola dengan sudut yang sangat tinggi, sampai titik dimana tempat Sakuraba melompat dengan ketinggian yang sama dan menangkapnya. Bola yang dilempar Takami sangat tinggi sehingga lawan tidak berkutik sampai bola itu ditangkap Sakuraba. Teknik ini mempunyai kelemahan sejak Sakuraba masih bergantung pada melihat bola yang datang dan untuk menangkapnya. Mencegah Sakuraba melihat bola adalah salah satu cara mematahkan Everest Pass, namun tidak ada Cornerback yang bisa melakukan hal itu karena lompatan Sakuraba sangat tinggi, tetapi hal ini memungkinkan bagi Monta, karena Monta bisa menangkap bola dari belakang kepalanya tanpa melihat(Devil Backfire). Sakuraba yang ingin meniru Devil Backfire akhirnya digagalkan oleh Monta yang menangkap bola dari belakang hanya dengan 1 tangan(sebelumnya 2 tangan)
Ketika Ichiro Takami bergabung dengan Ojo White Knights, mimpinya adalah menjadi Quarterback dalam tim. Tetapi cedera kaki yang dialaminya waktu kecil membuatnya tidak bisa berlari cepat seperti Otawara. Setelah pelatih memberitahunya mungkin ia tidak bisa menjadi Quarterback karena kekurangan ini, Takami memilih latihan lebih keras dan berlatih memperhitungkan pass kepada pemain lain. Setelah 4 tahun dalam tim, dia masuk tim inti dan menjadi Quarterback Ojo White Knights. Kemampuannya adalah menganalisis dan mengetahui strategi lawan dengan perhitungan yang cepat. Pass dari Takami dilakukan dengan presisi dan akurasi yang tepat, meskipun tidak dalam level yang sama dengan pass Hiruma dan Kid. Baru-baru ini telah terungkap bahwa Takami menunggu seseorang seperti Sakuraba menjadi Wide Receiver, karena mereka berdua sama-sama tinggi dan sama-sama bisa menutupi kelemahan mereka satu sama lain (Takami yang lamban dan Sakuraba dengan perasaan tidak percaya dirinya) berdua, mereka menciptakan "Everest Pass"
1.Rekor Lari 40 yard: 5.7 detik
2.Bench Press: 85 kg
3.Tinggi: 192 cm
4.Posisi: Quarterback
5.Nomor Pemain: 3
6.Kelas 3 SMA
Lineman dengan badan yang besar di White Knights, dengan muka yg besar, otot dan ego. Otawara adalah orang yang sangat idiot (anehnya, ia tahu dan mengakui bahwa ia bodoh), yang selalu mengatakan apa yang ada di pikirannya. Otawara juga selalu tidak menyadari kalau dia lupa memakai celana, bahkan ketika Takami memberitahunya tentang hal itu, ia sama sekali tidak merasa malu. Diluar American Football, Otawara adalah juara sumo lokal, tetapi dikalahkan Komusubi karena ia didiskualifikasi karena lupa memakai mawashi(celana khusus sumo).
Biar begitu, Otawara adalah kapten Ojo di bagian defense dan memimpin tim dalam huddle. Kekuatan dan keputusan yang sederhana dan cepat dalam mengambil keputusan menjadi hal yang sempurna untuk menjadi line, dalam offense dan defense. Saat Otawara dipenuhi semangat, ia dapat merobohkan 2 lineman pemula sekaligus. Kemampuan Otawara bukan hanya kekuatan, dalam kecepatan ia luar biasa, karena meski berbadan besar, ia bisa lari dengan kecepatan rata-rata backs Deimon.
(kalo digambar yang diatas ootawara adalah yg paling besarTerkenal sebagai berandalan yang sangat kuat, "Prison Chain Ikari". Berambut silver dan salah satu anggota di White Knights. Selalu di ikat rantai karena kelakuannya yang brutal. Dia juga sama sekali tidak menghormati "Golden Generation" yang disebut-sebut generasi terkuat dalam sejarah SMA Ojo. Selalu didiskualifikasi sebelum pertandingan dimulai karena menyerang orang yang menghina salah satu rekannya. Walaupun begitu, dia punya rasa hormat terhadap Shoji, pelatih White Knights. Akhirnya Ikari diizinkan untuk bermain di pertandingan semifinal Kanto, melawan Devil Bats. Ikari langsung meloloskan dirinya dengan cara menghancurkan ikatan rantai itu (tanpa bantuan atau kunci sama sekali) demi bermain di pertandingan itu.
Pada saat kickoff play dimulai, pada saat Sena dan Shin berhadapan, tanpa alasan yang jelas Ikari langsung memotong Trident Tackle Shin dan menghentikan Sena. Pada saat play sudah berhenti karena Sena keluar sideline, Ikari masih melaju untuk men-tackle Sena dengan seluruh kekuatan. Juumonji langsung menghalangi dan memblock Ikari. Jika tidak ada Juumonji saat itu, Sena mungkin tinggal sejarah.
Kekuatan Ikari saat menyerang block Juumonji mengingatkan Juumonji. Ia mengetahui Ikari sebelumnya, dengan julukan "Prison Chain Ikari". Di masa SMP, Ikari adalah seorang berandalan yang brutal dan penyendiri, tidak ada yang berani mendekatinya. Ikari bersumpah tidak akan memicu pertarungan lagi di SMA, yang belakangan adalah bohong. Ikari mencatat rekor diskors paling banyak di SMA Ojo-sejak ia mendengar Golden Generation lulus dan memasuki Universitas Ojo Silver Knights dan Ojo White Knights menjadi tim yang lemah, Ikari memutuskan bergabung dengan White Knights.
Dalam pertandingan Deimon vs Ojo di semifinal Kanto, ia selalu berhadapan dengan Juumonji, yang sama-sama mempunyai fighting style yang brutal, dan keduanya menjadi rival, dan Juumonji memenangkan pertarungan mati-matian antar Line tersebut pada saat terakhir.
Tim yang diperkuat dengan teknik kerjasama Kid dan Tetsuma membuat tim ini menjadi tim terkuat di Tokyo (menyingkirkan Ojo karena Ojo kalah melawan Shinryuuji). Berikut ini adalah daftar anggota tim :
Kid (Shien Mushanokoji) Quarterback dengan lemparan super cepat bagaikan dewa--disebut shotgun dan hanya bisa ditangkap oleh Tetsuma (meskipun akhirnya Monta dapat memotong operan tersebut saat pertandingan Deimon vs Seibu). Dia disebut-sebut sebagai Kapten Seibu meskipun sebenarnya bukan.
Jo Tetsuma Receiver "berat" andalan Seibu ini bagaikan kereta api berat yang tidak bisa dihentikan (meskipun akhirnya Monta menghentikan dan mengalahkannya). Orang ini selalu menuruti setiap perintah yang diberikan terutama oleh Kid.
- Kaitani Riku : Pelari tercepat di Seibu. Dialah yang mengajari Sena cara berlari cepat. Teknik andalannya Rodeo Drive (yang berkembang menjadi Doping Rodeo Drive), teknik berlari seperti kuda yang sulit dihentikan (meskipun akhirnya Sena mengalahkannya). Riku selalu tampak sangat santai di depan Sena, Sena selalu mengaggap Riku itu kakak, sedangkan Riku menganggap Sena sebagai adik & temannya. Kalau diperhatikan, wajah Sea & Riku ada miripnya...manis dan tampan. Itu persamaan mereka. Terkadang, setelah mereka bertemu sebagai anggota dari tim lain, mereka bahkan lebih akrab bersama, di bandingkan dengan Mamori. Namun ada gosip, setelah mereka Dewasa nanti antara Sena dan Riku akan ada keraguan...(hmm siapa ya yang nanti pacaran dengan Suzuna???.. Sena atau Riku???? tentukan sendiri!!) Selengkapnya Kaitani Riku
Buffalo Ushijima' Kapten Seibu yang sebenarnya. Seorang yang menghentikan lawannya melalui teknik "Dual Horn". Nama aslinya adalah Baharo Ushijima.
AGON KONGO (maaf bahasa inggris)
- God-Speed Impulse - This is Agon's innate talent which allows him to move and react with near-superhuman speed. Also, he can use this ability to learn complex physical maneuvers in a short time. This ability extends to practically anything, from driving a car in chapter 313 to riding a bike during his childhood. However, this ability has a fatal weakness; it only works if he can see the movement. When Sena placed his hand on the side of Agon's helmet, this was round the back of it where he couldn't see, and Agon was unable to react to it in time. This ability is sometimes used to humorous effect, such as when Agon's hair grows back after being shaved off in the previous chapter or in the game against Militaria where he tails Gomery until he and Gao down him.Note: Agon is also very intelligent on and off the field and has been shown to be able to read plays when he attempts to down Monta in his own red zone to end the game (and run pass routes as shown in the anime)
- Dragon Fly and Golden Dragon Fly - A maneuver regarding various lateral passes that require multiple quarterbacks. In the case of "Dragon Fly", it is both Kongo brothers. With the "Golden Dragon Fly", they are joined by Ikkyu. Against the American All-Stars, a new Dragon Fly combination was formed between Agon and Hiruma.
- Chop - Agon's preferred method of tackling. Using the side of his hand in a devastating chop, he can send most players to the turf groaning in pain. The ref would probably draw a flag and a double-digit penalty for unnecessary roughness, and likely an ejection for repeated offences, in the pros.
- Imitation Devil Bat Ghost - Thanks to his God-Speed Impulse ability, Agon was able to copy the steps of Sena's famous run.
- His 40-yard dash speed his never been revealed but because he is not recognized among the fastest four of Japan it is safe to say his time is equal to or slower than Riku's (4.5 seconds in 40-yards).
(細川一休 Hosakawa Ikkyū) The only person who has an attitude like Monta (but doesn't eat bananas like Monta does). His hair resembles Vegeta from the manga/anime series Dragon Ball Z, and he has a red mole in the middle of his forehead. By the look of him, no one should be intimidated, but his true skill lies in his running technique. He has the record of 4.9 seconds in the 40-yard-dash while running backwards, making him the best cornerback in the Kanto Zone. He is the only player on the Nagas that Agon has any respect for, since he is considered a genius. He has great respect for Agon and is probably the only one on the team who doesn't fear him and actually looks forward to playing with him. Ikkyu is proud of his jumping and catching ability. He tells Unsui that no one can beat him on air. However, Kanto's best cornerback is nothing compared to Japan's best linebacker- Shin proves this to him in his first match against him.
Ikkyu peppers his speech with the inflection oni, which is used as an emphatic phrase. It is usually translated as "completely".
He is always bullied by his teammates because he gets more remarks than they do. Ikkyu is one of the nicer, friendlier players on the team, but that doesn't make him any less serious when game time comes. He's considered a genius with high-jump catches, but he is caught off-guard when Hiruma fakes a Hail Mary Pass and uses an incredibly fast and low bullet pass instead - Ichiro Takami of the Oujouu White Knights christens it a Hail Devil pass. He still intercepts it, but he gets the shock of his life when Monta strips the ball out of his hands, resulting in a Deimon touchdown. Like Agon is acting with Sena and Hiruma, Ikkyu is starting to lose his cool with Monta. He tried to face down the Deimon wideout after the touchdown, but Monta was unimpressed with Ikkyu's posturing.
Near the end of the game, Ikkyu begs for Unsui to let him have the ball, in order to make up for the upset that the Deimon receiver had caused. However, his request is turned down in favor of just running out the clock. He does manage to deflect a pass that was meant for Monta and had a chance to catch a loose ball during Deimon's two-point conversion. However, in the end, he and the Nagas lose out to Deimon.
He seems to have a crush on Mamori;because he originates from an all-boys school, in his less serious moments, he sometimes tries to praise his upperclassmen, but his attempts are thwarted by his teammates, who practice a faux ventriloquist act on him, pretending to make him say such things as "in fact, you can't match the great Ikkyu"--to which he's told "unforgivable. ..indeed unforgivable".
With the game between Deimon and Oujo heating up, Ikkyu becomes even more determined to beat Monta as the Devil Bat receiver displays his new technique, the Devil Back Fire. Even he admits that catching a ball from behind the head is the most difficult method of receiving.
During Deimon's preparation for Christmas Bowl, he became Monta's personal trainer. But he's rattled because Monta can't do his best....
Later, after Monta gained his confidence again, he told him that aerial battle with Taka will be a "staring contest"....
During the Chrismas Bowl match between Deimon and Teikoku, he watches and becomes amazed at Taka's abilites and wonders what the heck Taka is, because his abilities as said by Hiruma are beyond human. Right now, he is extrememly excited (to the point of beating Onihei's head like a drum), because now a catch battle between Monta and Taka is taking place.
Character Statistics:
- 40-yard-dash: 4.9 seconds (Backwards)
- Bench-press: 65 kg
- Position: Split End/ Wide Receiver/ Cornerback
- Jersey Number: 33
o 2nd Year Student (Grade 11)
- Golden Dragon Fly - See Unsui's entry
Merupakan tim terberat di Jepang, dengan barisan line yang kuat dan Banba sebagai pusatnya, serta Harao sebagai quarter back. Tim ini pernah bertanding dan menghasilkan nilai seri dengan Deimon Devil Bats dalam penentuan tim yang akan melawan Amerika (NASA Aliens).
(番場衛 Banba Mamoru) The massive center of the team, Banba is the Sphinx's ace player and captain. He holds the high school record for squats, and is distinguished by his massive physique, complete baldness, and, during the Kanto Tournament, multiple scars on his face. Banba commands a great deal of respect from his teammates and other linemen. He is strong-willed, matter-of-fact, demanding, and not afraid to point out the errors of his teammates. Despite this, he appears to be on friendly terms with the other seniors of the Sphinx.
Banba first demonstrates his abilities by single-handedly beating up the Ha-Ha Brothers when they react to the Sphinx's criticisms of them. This experience drives the three to work harder to defeat the Sphinx's line. While Banba stands strong against Kurita for much of Taiyō's game against Deimon, he is eventually defeated by the Devil Bat Dive on the tying two-point conversion. Banba submits the match against the Nasa Aliens to the Devil Bats, believing them to have proven themselves. Prior to the Kantō Tournament, Banba undergoes harsh training, supposedly due to a harsh defeat at the hands of Seibu. This physically and mentally toughens him, and leaves his face heavily scarred. Unfortunately, this was insufficient for him to stand a chance against the Dinosaurs' powerhouse lineman Gaō. Gaō crushes the new Taiyō line formation, called Tutankhamun's Mask, and eventually Banba is injured to the extent that he must be carried off the field on a stretcher. Shortly afterward, Harao forfeits the game, making him the first quarterback to escape injury against the Dinosaurs.
Banba appears as a spectator at several of the other games in the Kantō Tournament, and later as a helper in the Devil Bats' baseball game prior to the final game in the Tokyo Dome. He trains Kurita by boxing against him, which prepares Kurita to stand up against Gaō longer in the Hakushu-Deimon game. He also appears at the Devil Bat's Kantō championship celebration, and is one of the three to help inflate the balloon for the punishment game. Banba becomes Togano's personal coach in preparation for the Christmas Bowl.
- 40-yard-dash: 5.5 seconds
- Bench-press: 145 kg
- Position: Center/Defensive Tackle
- Jersey Number: 50
- 3rd Year Student (Grade 12)
- Pyramid Line - Banba and the other Taiyō linemen create a V-shaped "pyramid" formation, which takes advantage of their heavily-built players. This grants a great deal of protection to the quarterback and is a formidable obstacle when used by the defense. The line's weakness is that it is simplistic and overly reliant on brute force and weight.
- Tutankhamen's Mask - The linemen arrange themselves more tightly together than normal, making the spaces between them narrower and forming closer to the quarterback. This is alluded to the Death Mask of the Pharaoh. In theory, the line was made even more secure and harder for the opposing team to break through to sack the quarterback, but it was still defeated very quickly by Gaō.
Tim terkuat di Jepang, langganan juara Christmas Bowl. Dengan Yamato Takeru (Eyeshield 21 yang sebenarnya) dan Taka (anak dari Honjou Taka sang receiver baseball legendaris) sebagai bintangnya.
大和猛) Although merely a player for the best team in Kansai, Yamato is in actuality the real and mysterious Eyeshield 21 from Notre Dame that once fought against Kyoshin Poseidon's Shun Kakei who played for Phoenix. He is said to be the perfect runner and has great strength, speed, technique, spin the ball on one finger and even perfect body balance. Basically, he is a fellow "perfect player" like Shin. So far no player has been able to stop his run. In example of this is said by one of his teammates who says that 10 players from the Teikoku 2nd string combined are not even capable of stopping his run. In fact his is shown to only really be challenged by his fellow ace, Taka Honjo in all of Teikoku. The original person believed to be this man was Hayato Akaba from the Bando Spiders, but Shun comments that his body type is slightly different from the one he played against. Near the climax of the game against the Hakushū Dinosaurs, Marco reveals that the team that this Eyeshield 21 plays for is Teikoku, shocking both Sena and Shun. With Deimon in the Christmas Bowl, the showdown between him and Sena is now a reality. When Sena, Monta, and Suzuna go to scout Teikoku's football team, he pairs up with Sena against 4th string players to see what Sena was capable of. However, his true goal is to meet someone who can match him to the point of being able to make him use his "true style", which has yet to be revealed.
During a recent duel with Agon (of Shinryuji), it is revealed that Yamato's "true style" would have been used against Agon because Agon's God Speed Impulse could overcome Yamato's speed. Yamato almost reveals this style in the duel but his face changes when he use this style intimidating the arrogant Agon. It is revealed by Sena in chapter 283 that Yamato's speed is not faster than Sena or Shin's; however, his balance is "perfect". It is revealed in chapter 286 that Yamato can use, due to his body balance, multiple crossover steps combined with cutting steps at the same time, creating the "true" Devil Bat Ghost. Though Sena manages to still see through Yamato's DevilBat Ghost and at the same time catch him. Yamato then decided to use his true style which is "Caesar's Charge" in which he manages to throw Sena off. Though he had won his one-on-one with Sena, he still catches Yamato once again suprising everyone of the Teikoku Alexanders' players and even surprises Yamato as well. He then pushes Sena away using his "unsealed" right arm.
However, during the final 5 mins of the game, when it appears that the Alexanders had put Deimon down with another touchdown, Sena defeats Yamato's perfect Caesar's Charge with the Devil 4th Dimension Run. Yamato response to this by accelerating with all of his power at the last step diving forward surpassing the 4.2 speed and crushing Sena. This adaptation is defeated when Sena combines the Devil 4th Dimension Run with the Devil Bat Ghost.
- 40-yard dash: 4.25 caesers charge
- Position: Running Back
- Jersey Number: 21(first seen in Chapter 281)/22
- 1st Year Student (10th Grade)
- Near light speed: Yamato has top class speed considered by Agon as a super speed 'type' at first, though his speed is not as fast as Sena or Shin.
- Strength: He is very strong being able to push Ishimaru out of bounds with only one hand and block to 4th string players with only his hands to the point that they could barely talk or move. His strength is outrageous, even dragging Sena, Taki, and Koji of the ha-ha brothers along with him while doing the Caesar's Charge for at least a first down.
- Balance: he ran without slowing down right through snow that tripped up Sena, who can run through mud with hampering his run.
- Absolute Prediction: Yamato never tells lies only commenting on what he knows to be true through observations. He is then, With his massive knowledge of strategy and the tactics used by the opponent, never wrong when he makes a predictions about the game. However, his prediction that Deimon would not score once was just crushed by Monta's touchdown in Chapter 292.
- Ghost Run: Yamato uses crossover and cut steps in rapid succession creating "a mountain of ghosts".
- Caesar's Charge: Using his balance and strength, he can shakes off defensive players that hold into him. Even after he got caught, he can keep moving forward, dragging his enemies, and shaking them off. He can also use this technique on defense, closing at top speed not waiting to see which way the opponent would dodge arms spread wide he creates a perfect seal stopping his opponents from escaping to the sides or above. However, this technique has one flaw, which is demonstrated by Sena's Devil 4th Dimension Run. In the instant that Yamato tackles forward, a sudden reversal will throw off his timing, thereby allowing Sena to pass him at Light Speed. Yamato response to this by accelerating with all of his power at the last step diving forward surpassing the 4.2 speed and crushing Sena. Sena responds to this by combining the Devil Bat Ghost with the Devil 4th Dimension Run. Yamato cannot adapt to this evasion tactic as he's already committed to the charge.
(本庄鷹) A long-haired player for Teikoku, he unexpectedly demonstrated his catching ability to Monta by catching a ball one handed without even looking up from the book he was reading. He is most likely the one to whom Honjo, history's strongest fielder and Taka's father, was referring to when he said Monta would meet "someone" at the Christmas Bowl. Finding out Taka's lineage, Monta realizes that Honjo-senshu came looking for a strong opponent for his son to beat and giving his son motivation and give what his wants.. Similarly, Mamori asked Hiruma to cut out any Teikoku article even mentioning Taka out of fear that Monta would discover his idol's son was the best receiver on the best team in Japan, notable for making 1st team in his first day just like Yamato. His record at the long jump is 8.25m(this is very impressive given the world record is 8.95m)and he holds the Japanese record at the high school level by a wide margin.
Because of his consistent daily training with his father, Taka is always training out of habit with no goal, even during Teikoku practice he only find a challenge in Yamato. Because he cannot find a rival, he prefers to relax and read instead of overexerting himself in public. Like all of the first team Taka has a 40 yard dash of under 5 seconds.
In the most recent chapter, he is shown as having jumping leisurely to intercept Hiruma's pass to Monta. It looks like Taka is floating (or skywalking) like a Hawk would. In chapter 284 Taka is seen using Monta's Devil backfire against him, with ease. In other recent chapters, Taka is shown to be able to strip the ball out of his opposing receiver's hands with only one or two fingers if they manage to catch it.
In the mess created during Deimon's attempt to do Christ Cross, however, he felt that Monta is starting to best him. This wary him, and he ensures his teammates to go all-out against Deimon.... After a touchdown by Monta, Taka speeds up to "around Yamato's average speed".
It was revealed that Taka was the one who recruited Karin on to the team.
Position: Wide Receiver (1st Team) Jersey Number: 10 The Book he was shown to be reading was The Catcher in the Rye. * Like all of the first string Taka can run 40 yards in under five seconds long jump 8.25 meters TECHNIQUES AND STRATEGIES:
The Hawk: Using his training as a long jumper, Taka is able to not only leap high in the air but move as if he's walking on air at a high speed. By using this "flying" ability, Taka can steal balls flying high in the air and turn an impossible catch to their side.
Tim yang terdiri dari para anak berandalan dan geng motor. Ketuanya adalah Rui Habashira. Mereka juga pernah bertanding dengan Devil Bats dan mengalami kekalahan, hingga Rui dan para anak buahnya justru dijadikan budak oleh Hiruma. Meski pada akhirnya mereka dibebaskan demi latihan untuk Turnamen Musim Gugur. (Manajer : Megu Tsuyumine)
Voiced by: Kouji Yusa (葉柱 ルイ, Habashira Rui)Habashira is the captain of the Zokugaku Chameleons, a team consisting of various gang members, of which Habashira is the gang leader. Though originally portrayed as a stereotypical delinquent prone to act violently when angered, Habashira is later portrayed sympathetically when he is revealed to care deeply about the game of American football and to not be a simple brute. He is the only player on his team who is truly motivated to win, and in his first year on the team he had to force his team to practice hard through threats and violence, because he could not gain their respect otherwise. Rather than holding a grudge against the Devil Bats after losing to them early in the series, he only wishes to face them in a game in the future, and even gives Sena a ride on his motorcycle during the Fall Tournament so he can help the Devil Bats win. In the anime, when Kanagushi has several students disguise themselves as Eyeshield 21 and sabotage the Chameleons, Habashira prevents his teammates from taking revenge on Eyeshield 21 and then on Kanagushi when he is exposed, so that the team will not be suspended from the tournament.
Habashira plays linebacker for the Chameleons and is considered talented for the position. He claims to be a greater linebacker than Shin, but Sena's ability to easily defeat him when the Devil Bats play the Chameleons indicates this is not the case. He is one of the three linebackers named best of position after the Autumn Tokyo Tournament. As captain, Habashira directs his players to adapt to each team they play, targeting the weaknesses of each team. He is depicted playing in two games throughout the series, once against the Devil Bats when he is defeated by Sena, and once against the Kyoshin Poseidon in the Autumn Tokyo Tournament. Against the Poseidon he is the only player on his team to play his hardest throughout the game whereas his teammates resign themselves to defeat midway through.
Tim yang memiliki line dengan tinggi badan raksasa. Dipimpin oleh Kakei, dan memiliki pemain tinggi-jenius, Mizumachi. Mereka mempunyai gaya serangan yang seperti ombak, sehingga maskot mereka adalah gambar Dewa Neptunus sang penguasa lautan. Teknik andalan Kakei : Anchor Grapple
Tim dengan kick game terkuat di jepang. Di tim ini ada Kotaro Sasaki sebagai kicker dengan akurasi yang luar biasa (meskipun agak lemah dalam hal tenaga tendangan) dan Hayato Akaba (ia juga diketahui sebagai eyeshield 21 yang asli) yang merupakan tight end yang jenius.
Voiced by: Daisuke Hirakawa
(赤羽 隼人, Akaba Hayato) Akaba is the fullback for the Spiders and the team's captain. He is obsessed with music and often plays his electric guitar and uses musical metaphors to state his opinions. While playing, Akaba wears a blue Eyeshield, and he introduces himself to Sena as "the real Eyeshield 21". He was offered a place on the Teikoku team, and accepted because of the team's strength and his father transferring to Kansai. After a confrontation with teammate Kotaro, Akaba changed his mind and decided to return to Bando. Because of the school's policy, Akaba was forced to sit out for six months from the beginning of the school year, and he cannot play with the team until the match against the Devil Bats. Instead, Akaba serves as an adviser and instructor to his teammates, teaching them the blocking techniques he created through painstaking research. While Akaba has the upper hand on Sena through much of the game, he eventually loses in a direct confrontation with the younger player, and Sena scores the winning touchdown for the Devil Bats. Afterward, Akaba presents Sena with his blue Eyeshield (in the anime he returns Sena's original green Eyeshield to him), which Sena uses for the remainder of the manga, and states that Sena deserves to be called Eyeshield 21.
Akaba is a strong and swift player known for his ability as a lead blocker. His main technique, "Spider Poison", involves shoving against an opposing player at the moment that their center of gravity shifts, allowing Akaba to knock them over. On defense, Akaba uses a technique called "Run Force", in which he forces opposing blockers into certain positions to allow himself to be in position for a tackle. Akaba also teaches his teammates to use Spider Poison, making the entire team stronger.
Akaba is the tight end for the Spiders and the team's captain. On top of that, he is the Tokyo MVP during the match against Oujou's Golden Generation. He was offered a place on the Teikoku team, and accepted because of the team's strength and his father transferring to Kansai. After a confrontation with teammate Kotaro, Akaba changed his mind and decided to return to Bando. Because of the school's policy, Akaba was forced to sit out for six months from the beginning of the school year, and he cannot play with the team until the match against the Devil Bats. Instead, Akaba serves as an adviser and instructor to his teammates, teaching them the blocking techniques he created through painstaking research.
While Akaba has the upper hand on Sena through much of the game, he eventually loses in a direct confrontation with the younger player, and Sena scores the winning touchdown for the Devil Bats. Afterward, Akaba presents Sena with his blue Eyeshield (in the anime he returns Sena's original green Eyeshield to him), which Sena uses for the remainder of the manga, and states that Sena deserves to be called Eyeshield 21.
Hayato Akaba is a red-haired man of average height with slender body and quite fearful look.
Knowed as Red Eyed Ace, Akaba is being feared by other because its red eyes. Its seem that he also often wear his glasses with him. He is obsessed with music and often brings his electric guitar everywhere he went to.
Firstly introduced in manga, he wore a necklace with cross and some sort of ring on it. He also has earring on both of his ears. While not playing, he likely seem to wear long sleeves shirt with unfold collar and long trousers.
While playing, Akaba wears a blue Eyeshield, and he introduces himself to Sena as "the real Eyeshield 21".
Akaba appears to be a patient and calm mild-mannered man. He is knowledgeable in sense that he always spend a lot of his time, sit alone studied a mountains of data. Hiruma also said that he is such problematic bastard, maybe because of his intelligent and skills.
He is obsessed with music and often plays his electric guitar and uses musical metaphors to state his opinions. He also ask Sasaki Koutarou to kick at the exactly landing point using guitar code.
Voiced by: Eiji Moriyama
(佐々木 コータロー, Sasaki Kōtarō) Kotaro is the skilled kicker for the Bando Spiders and leader of the kicking team. Like Akaba, he is rather eccentric, having tremendous pride in his kicks and believing kicks to be of incredible importance. However, despite their being similarly eccentric, Kotaro and Akaba do not tend to get along well, for unknown reasons. He has a one-sided rivalry with Deimon's Musashi, having heard the urban legend of Musashi's sixty-yard field goal. Nonetheless, he is an extremely good kicker, and he was scouted by Teikoku, though he rejected their offer. His kicks are extremely accurate, making each of his field goal attempts practically a guaranteed success and also allowing Bando to design plays on kickoffs based on where his kicks will land. This is especially useful when the team executes onside kicks to gain consecutive offenses in their "Spider Web" technique. In the match against Deimon, Kotaro eventually competes with Musashi in the manner he desired, and is defeated when he fails to make a 50-yard field goal while Musashi successfully makes a kick of the same distance - a difference that allows Deimon to win by a single point.
He is two meters tall (about 6'7 or so) and has a monstrous, caveman-like appearance, with long wild black hair, red marks on his cheeks, and a large scar on his forehead. He holds the Japanese bench press record with over two hundred kilograms and is capable of destroying furniture, tearing metal guardrails, and breaking normal people's bones with his bare hands; he wears a titanium alloy mouthpiece because his powerful jaw tears apart ordinary ones.
PersonalityGaō claims to have searched for someone who can match his power for his entire life, and joined the football team because Marco promised him that the most powerful teams in the country possess such individuals. He has little respect for those not willing to face him directly and tremendous respect for those who do even if they are crushed, including Banba, the aces of Seibu, and Hiruma. He also honors the rules of American football and will not tackle a player who does not have the ball.
Gaō becomes interested in Kurita just prior to the Kantō Tournament finals, believing like many that Kurita is capable of matching or even surpassing his strength. However, once the match begins, even though Kurita succeeds in holding back Gaō temporarily, Gaō states that Kurita lacks "killing intent," and is thus unable to match his strength. Gaō crushes Hiruma, breaking Hiruma's right throwing arm and temporarily knocking him out of the game. Although Gaō first believes this will unleash Kurita's inner strength, it at first traumatizes him, severely weakening him. Kurita eventually unleashes his inner strength, not out of anger as Gaō predicts but for the sake of protecting his friends, and for the remainder of the game the two compete fiercely. On the final play of the game, Kurita defeats Gaō and knocks him onto his back, allowing the Devil Bats to score the winning two-point conversion.
- In Chapter 31, Puff Party, when describing how it is shown how you are chosen to be in Offence or Defence, a picture of someone similar to Gao is shown for defence.
(円子令司, Maruko Reiji)The Dinosaurs' quarterback and captain, Marco is a suave-appearing man who ambitiously dreams of winning the Christmas Bowl, yet when encountered by a strong opponent he acts panicked and frightened. He calls himself "Marco" because he feels his real name sounds like a girl's name, and also wears an Italian suit to match his Italian nickname. In his first year in middle school, he joined the American football team, and also courted Maruko Himuro, who is two years older than him. To impress her, he vowed to win the Christmas Bowl, to show her the "morning sunshine after a victory." He led Hakushu to the SIC District Championship later that year, and then began studying the great teams at the high school level. His teammates encouraged him to give up on his dream of winning the Christmas Bowl because of the strength of the undefeated Teikoku Alexanders, and after witnessing the team play, Marco despaired, realizing that the chances of defeating Teikoku were slim. He became determined to defeat Teikoku using strength, and recruited Gao to accomplish this. He even used Gao's tremendous power to injure opposing players, a strategy that Himuro came to dislike him for.
Marco's skill as a throwing quarterback is never established, as Hakushu's offense is based entirely on him taking the snap and following Gao's block as the large lineman plows through the defense using the "North-South Game". On defense, Marco's skill comes from his ability to follow ball movements and react to them. He can see through a runner's feints, and given the smallest opportunity can steal an unsecured ball using his signature "Screw Bite" technique. He is also able to act as a "Quarterback Spy", precisely following the opposing quarterback's movements and reacting to them. While his strategies are simple and brutal, Marco is effective at determining how to direct his team's defense to stop their opponents, whether by deliberately injuring the quarterback or by sending a defender to mark a player.
Tim dari Amerika yang pernah melawan Deimon. Pemain di tim ini juga sangat hebat. Ada Panther yang mempunyai tubuh tanpa bobot, Homer Fitzgerald yang memiliki shuttle pass, juga Jeremy Watt yang sangat menyukai Jepang dan bertugas sebagai penerjemah dalam tim. (Pelatih : Apollo)PHANTER
Patrick 'Panther' Spencer, Fastest Man Above Ground, Runningback (RB).
Jersey #22
40 yd. Dash: 4.1 seconds
Power: C Speed: SS Technique: S
Odds of winning MVP title: 3.3 to 1
- Voiced by: Kousuke Kujirai
(パトリック・スペンサー) Panther is a good-natured person who has extraordinary running talents, but has been reduced to being a ball boy, due to Apollo's prejudice. He trains everyday by running across rooftops. Panther's dream is to become a pro NFL player and make money so that his grandmother would no longer have to work. He is also one of the few people who is able to eat his grandmother's horrendous oatmeal recipe. He has always looked up to Apollo despite Apollo's terrible treatment, because Apollo always trained three times as much as anyone, which becomes Panther's work ethic as well. Initially, he wasn't interested in going to Japan since he really wanted to compete against Shin. Then he saw Eyeshield 21's running ability on Hiruma's web video and wanted to run against him. Eventually, he and Sena became good friends and promised to play on equal terms the next time they met on the field, (Sena was nearly at his limit by the time Panther had entered the game). In chapter 306, Panther is shown as one of the American players coming to the American Football Youth World Cup. He is considered one of the top two players, and the top runner, in America, and possibly the fastest man in the world, quicker than Shin or even Sena. He is extremely motivated for the upcoming World Youth Cup, because the ultimate prize for the best player in the match is an automatic contract with the San Antonio Armadillos as well as 3 million dollars. When questioned on which players should join the American team, Panther suggests the NASA Shuttles quarterback Homer, to socalledly to have a terrible technique despite his exceptional throwing strength. When Morgan promises to let Homer join if Panther can get passed him or take the ball from him, Panther has a flashback to when he was training with Apollo one on one during the time when he reached the limit of his natural talent. Apollo states that he would teach Panther all the techniques he knew, in order to make Panther stronger. Panther then shows why he is called the "Worlds Fastest Man" when he takes the ball away from Morgan before the older player could make a single move. (It should be noted that Panther was in a suit and dress shoes while Morgan was in his uniform) In chapter 312 of the manga, Panther has been revealed to have a 40-yard dash of 4.10 seconds, amazingly and surprisingly breaking the 4.2 speed of light barrier, previously thought to be unbeatable. He is revealed to have won the MVP in the Youth Championship during a flashback in Chapter 333 following the Japan and America had after a 45-45 tie in the championship game and the unoffical overtime which japan won but sense it was officially a tie he got the most votes from both of the 2 teams so was selected as the MVP, and as such moved on to the NFL.in the future as shown in episode 145, during the future scene which is canon for the eyeshield 21 universe, he is shown still playing for the same team he got the contract for at youth american football world cup along with Hiruma both of them are currlently playing for the San Antonio Armadillos.
- Position: Running Back
- Jersey Number: 20
- 40-Yard Dash: 4.1 seconds (during the world tournament)
- Bench Press: 70kgs
- Zero-Gravity Run - Panther's specialty is called the Zero-Gravity Run, which allows him to run at great speeds with extremely light footsteps. Unlike Sena's method of sharp turns and cuts, Panther can run like water, using the minimal amount of movement needed to slide around obstacles. Shin noted that Panther's running is too clean and easy to predict which route he will take.
- Stiff-Arm - Panther also uses one hand to hold onto the ball, while the other is extended to ward off opposing blockers. This is a standard block used commonly by other Running Backs in the NFL. However, this gives his opponent a chance to slap the ball away, causing a fumble. Sena and Shin both show this flaw to him, and this teaches Panther that he needs to get more practice against opposing players.
- Moon Salto Formation - This strategy arranges the linemen in a crescent formation. This allows for maximum frontal protection for the Running Back. This is similar to Deimon's Sweeper tactic, but is done in a straight line rather than diagonally. The Aliens team had been developing this tactic for a long time without Apollo's knowledge.
- Panther Ghost - This is Panther's version of the Devil Bat Ghost that he recently learned, when the Devil Bats returned to America for a tournament between 4 great teams. He can do this at the same speed Sena can.
* Voiced by: Kouji Ochiai
(ホーマー・フィッツジェラルド) Homer is the quarterback of the Nasa Aliens and his specialty is being able to heave a football from over half the length of the field. Along with Watt, he's one of Panther's closest friends, and helped him endure Apollo's racial attitude against African Americans. Homer's biggest problem is throwing control as the ball tends to go off-course. but manage to improve enough to become the second be querterback in america. Another thing to note is that due to Homer's upper-body strength, tackling him at the waist is not enough to sack him. However, by going for his passing arm, his ability to throw the ball is stopped. Given his large frame and powerful throwing arm, not to mention his tendency to misfire his passes, Homer could be modeled on former Green Bay Packers quarterback, Brett Favre.
- 40-yard dash record: 4.45 seconds
- Bench Press: 130kgs
- Position: Quarterback
- Jersey Number: 5
- Shuttle Pass - The Shuttle Pass is considered the signature move of the team. Homer starts by counting down from three and throws the ball for his receiver to catch, usually near the goal line of the opposing team. The problem with this tactic is that it requires a longer time to initiate the pass, which leaves the quarterback open to blitzes that result in sacks. The Muscle Barrier, the name given to the line, is crucial in ensuring the success of the pass.
- Voiced by: Akio Seki
(オットー・ゴンザレス Otto Gonzalez) Though lacking in size and overall strength of his sibling, the younger Gonzales makes up for it in speed and tenacity. He's about the same size as Komusubi. He admires his brother and wanted to be known as the Small Helpful Guy. In a way, he is to his big brother like Komusubi is to Kurita. His catch-phrase is, "Don't look down on me!" Unfortunately, he went to Watt for a kanji tattoo as well and the kanji for 'small' and 'helpful' translates as Piss, and that gives him the title of Little Piss Guy. He is also easily fooled by handoff fakes.
- Position: Linebacker
- Jersey Number: 70
- Voiced by: Kanenari Kiminobu
- Position: Center/Guard
- Jersey Number: 50
Voiced by: Yasuo Saito, Hiroshi Shimogiki
(ジェレミー・ワット) Watt is the best Wide Receiver of the Nasa Aliens, and he also serves as team's translator, though he's more of a pseudo-Japan scholar (meaning that he's more of an otaku than a Japan-ophile). As a result, he often gets translations wrong, and has some misconceptions concerning Japanese culture but is shown as well-meaning and would not take offense if corrected. Most of his knowledge and obsession with Japan is pinpointed to an encounter with Shun Kakei when he played for Phoenix Junior High (prior to his return to Kyoushin). He is able to calculate the landing point for Homer's Shuttle Pass with pinpoint accuracy like Mission Control. Being taller and faster than Monta does give him an advantage over the Deimon Receiver, though it's most likely that Monta's new Devil Backfire would compensate. Watt has been seen using computers and upon discovering a humorous though disrespectful webvideo of Coach Apollo, he shares his find with his team mates. Watt is also skilled at video-games.
- Position: Wide Receiver
- Jersey Number: 81
- 40-Yard Dash: 4.8 seconds
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